tigran tsitoghdzyan
New York, NY
Tigran tsitoghdzyan's story
Tigran Tsitoghdzyan is a New York City-based visual artist. He was born in Yerevan, Armenia, in 1976. In 1986, by the age of ten, over one hundred of Tigran's childhood paintings were chosen by Henrik Iguityan to be displayed in a solo exhibition in Armenia which thereafter traveled to the US, Russia, Japan and Spain.
Ten years later he migrated to Europe and then later in 2009 to the US. Since then and from New York, his new series, technic and images are experiencing a phenomenal uprise that comprises both art quality and a bold, intriguing, personal expression with a growing resonance on the international scene.
Tigran's popularity has escalated to a global scale, and he is being exhibited in shows and museums worldwide. He is considered one of the most promising artists of our time.
Suggested charity: Children of Armenia Foundation