"Time Will Be The Truth" - James Nazarov
"Time Will Be The Truth" - James Nazarov
20 X 16 X 1.5 IN
Pixels is a series that strives to analyze the importance of the individual substances that give a subject their form. Dots of multiple sizes, shapes, textures and imperfections are either strewed or delicately placed upon a canvas. Backgrounds can range from Abstract Expressionistic planes to clean Art Deco like borders and lines.
The world around us is perceived through our eyes in dots. These dots come together to form the images that we see. We see this represented in our technology through visual medium. Cameras and Televisions, for example, capture and transmit fully formed images through these tiny pixels. Each dot is a being, a soul that populates the world of this image. The dots come together and create a total divinity that seems greater than the sum of its parts. However, every tiny pixel is a necessity for the image to be seen in its entirety Remove one and you will lose the full vibrancy of the image, memory, emotion, purpose.
We are an identity that is the sum of our pixels. This series serves to appreciate every single dot that makes us who we are.
James Nazarov's suggested donation: World Wildlife Fund
James Nazarov is an artist obsessed with dots and the way the human eye perceives reality. Nazarov was born, raised, and currently operates in Brooklyn, New York. After receiving a J.D. from Saint John’s University he opened his first studio and has been creating art ever since. For James, a piece of art is a conversation, a map to self-discovery. Different forms of abstraction allow the viewer to connect with art by using their own power of perception. Each piece that James creates is a multi-layered dialogue. What the viewer starts with seeing, is not always what they end up uncovering. The world is broken down around us into Pixels, and perception of life comes from putting the dots back together. Nazarov’s work invites the viewers to put the pieces together and see not only what he my be trying to show them but what they have yet to learn about themselves.